

This section will illustrate a very basic conversion of a threaded program to use asyncio, while allowing non-async Python defs to coexist between the front and backends.

Consider the following multithreaded program, which sends and receives messages from an echo server. The program is organized into three layers:

  • send_receive_implementation - this is a low level layer that interacts with the Python socket library directly

  • send_receive_logic - this is logic code that responds to requests to send and receive messages, given an implementation function

  • send_receive_api - this is the front-facing API that is used by programs.

We present this example below, adding a main() function that spins up five threads and calls upon send_receive_api() independently within each:

import socket
import threading

messages = []

def send_receive_implementation(host, port, message):
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.connect((host, port))
    return sock.recv(1024).decode("utf-8")

def send_receive_logic(msg, host, port, implementation):
    return implementation(host, port, f"message number {msg}\n")

def send_receive_api(msg):
        send_receive_logic(msg, "", 4242, send_receive_implementation)

def main():
    threads = [
        threading.Thread(target=send_receive_api, args=(msg,))
        for msg in ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]
    for t in threads:
    for t in threads:
    for msg in messages:
        print(f"Got back echo response: {msg}")


The goal we have now is to provide an all-new asynchronous API to this program. That is, we want to remove the use of threads, and instead have calling code which looks like this:

async def main():
    messages = await asyncio.gather(
            message_api(msg) for msg in
            ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]
    for msg in messages:
        print(f"Got back echo response: {msg}")

To do this, we would need to rewrite all of the above functions to use async and await. But what if the vast majority of our code were within send_receive_logic() - that code is only a pass through, receiving data to and from an opaque implementation. Must we convert all our code everywhere that acts as “pass through” to use async await?

With awaitlet, we dont have to. awaitlet provides a functional form of the Python await call, which can be invoked from non-async functions, within an overall asyncio context. We can port our program above by:

  • Writing a new send_receive_implementation function that uses asyncio, rather than sync

  • Writing a new send_receive_api that uses asyncio

  • Writing a sync adapter that can be passed along to send_receive_logic. This adapter will make use of the awaitlet() function to await an asyncio endpoint. The adapter itself will be called within the async_def() function so that it makes use of an implicit asyncio context.

This program then looks like:

import asyncio
import awaitlet

async def async_send_receive_implementation(host, port, message):
    reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(host, port)
    await writer.drain()
    data = (await"utf-8")
    return data

def send_receive_logic(msg, host, port, implementation):
    return implementation(host, port, f"message number {msg}\n")

async def send_receive_api(msg):
    def adapt_async_implementation(host, port, message):
        return awaitlet.awaitlet(
            async_send_receive_implementation(host, port, message)

    return await awaitlet.async_def(

async def main():
    messages = await asyncio.gather(
            for msg in ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]
    for msg in messages:
        print(f"Got back echo response: {msg}")

Above, the front end and back end are ported to asyncio, but the middle part stays the same; that is, the send_receive_logic() function did not change at all, no async/await keywords needed. That’s the point of awaitlet; to eliminate the async/await keyword tax applied to code that doesnt directly invoke non-blocking functions.

Detailed Breakdown#

The whole approach of awaitlet is overall a little bit of a “dark art” (though actually less “dark” than what gevent and eventlet have done for decades). It takes a standard and pretty well known part of Python, the asyncio library, and adds some syntactical helpers that were not intended to be part of asyncio itself. Inspired by libraries like gevent and eventlet, awaitlet makes use of greenlet in a similar way as those libraries do, but then makes use of asyncio for non-blocking primitives, rather than going through the effort of creating its own and often needing to monkeypatch them into the standard library the way gevent and eventlet do.

The async_def() function call is an awaitable that when invoked, internally starts up a greenlet that can be used to “context switch” to other greenlets anywhere within the execution of that greenlet:

async def some_function():
    my_awaitable = awaitlet.async_def(

    return await my_awaitable

Above, the send_receive_logic() function is called within a greenlet that itself links to a parent greenlet that’s local to the async_def() function (this is the normal way that greenlet works). Below we illustrate a simplified version of async_def() that does not include things like exception handling and other implementation details:

async def async_def(
    fn: Callable[..., _T],
    *args: Any,
    assert_await_occurs: bool = False,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> _T:
    """Runs a sync function ``fn`` in a new greenlet."""

    # make a greenlet.greenlet with the given function.
    # getcurrent() is the parent greenlet that is basically where we
    # are right now in the function
    context = _AsyncIoGreenlet(fn, greenlet.getcurrent())

    # switch into the new greenlet (start the function)
    result = context.switch(*args, **kwargs)

    # ... continued ...

When this line of code is first called:

# switch into the new greenlet (start the function)
result = context.switch(*args, **kwargs)

It runs the given function, and blocks until the function is complete. However, within the function (which is our send_receive_logic() call), that function can call upon Python awaitables using awaitlet(). awaitlet() looks like this:

def awaitlet(awaitable: Awaitable[_T]) -> _T:
    """Awaits an async function in a sync method."""

    current = greenlet.getcurrent()
    return current.parent.switch(awaitable)

That is, it does nothing but context switch back to the parent greenlet, which means back outside of the context.switch() that got us here. The returned value is a real Python awaitable. So inside of the async_def() function, we check that the inner function is not complete yet, we then assume the result must be an awaitable, and we await it on behalf of our hosted function - remember, we’re in a real async def at this level:

# switch into the new greenlet (start the function)
result = context.switch(*args, **kwargs)

# loop for the function not done yet
while not context.dead:
    # await on the result that we expect is awaitable
    value = await result

With the awaitable completed, we send the result of the awaitable back into the hosted function and context switch back:

# switch into the new greenlet (start the function)
result = context.switch(*args, **kwargs)

# loop for the function not done yet
while not context.dead:
    # await on the result that we expect is awaitable
    value = await result

    # pass control back into the function, with the return value
    # of the awaitable
    result = context.switch(value)

The value passed in becomes the return value of the awaitlet() call:

def awaitlet(awaitable: Awaitable[_T]) -> _T:
    # ...

    return current.parent.switch(awaitable)

and we are then back in the hosted function with an awaitable having proceeded and its return value passed back from the awaitlet() call.

The loop continues; each time context.dead is False, we know that result is yet another Python awaitable. Once context.dead is True, then we know the function completed; we return the result!

# switch into it (start the function)
result = context.switch(*args, **kwargs)

# loop for the function not done yet
while not context.dead:
    # await on the result that we expect is awaitable
    value = await result

    result = context.switch(value)

# no more awaits; so this is the result!
return result

The real function includes additional implementation details, including accommodation for exceptions thrown from the callable. But overall, the loop approach illustrated above is pretty much the whole thing!