Front Matter#

Information about the awaitlet project.

Project Homepage#

awaitlet is hosted on GitHub at sqlalchemy/awaitlet under the SQLAlchemy organization.

Releases and project status are available on Pypi at

The most recent published version of this documentation should be at


Awaitlet is available on pypi under the name awaitlet:

$ pip install awaitlet


awaitlet’s sole dependency is the greenlet library. This is a widely used library that allows for coroutines in Python.

Greenlet is written in C. While the package has binary releases available for many platforms available, there may not be binary releases pre-built for some architectures in some cases, in which case the environment will need Python native extension build tools and dependencies to be present. Greenlet also may not be functional on pre-release cPython interpreters, as it typically requires updates to be compatible with newer cPython releases.


awaitlet is developed by Mike Bayer, and is part of the SQLAlchemy project.

User issues, discussion of potential bugs and features are most easily discussed using GitHub Discussions.


Bugs and feature enhancements to awaitlet should be reported on the GitHub issue tracker.